Guru Brahma Gurur Vishnu Guru Devo Maheshvaraha
Guru Saakshat Para Brahma Tasmai Sree Gurave Namaha
In South India, state of Kerala, directed by Pallippuram Sunil and Paris Laxmi
the Kalashakti School of Arts is proposing to children and adults the practice of various Art Forms.
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The objectives of our School are to inculcate to the youth a deep interest and passion for Arts,
provide a regular teaching and training to the students, reveal talents
and promote the Classical Art Forms of India,
in and throughout the country.
Kalashakti is also conducting shows performed by masters and students.
During their studies of Arts, the students will have the opportunity to showcase the learned items
and develop their knowledge and experience
of the stage performance.
The Kalashakti School of Arts proposes classes of :
Kathakali: Vesham, Make-up
Bharata Natyam
Ayurvedic cuisine
The admission to the Kalashakti School of Arts is done for one year.
On holidays of April-May, workshops may be proposed to the students.
We are also welcoming students for short periods. According to the student's wish and the availability of the teachers, it is possible to plan a personalized timetable.